Research behind PharmaBiome’s co-cultivation technology was published in Gut Microbes


Co-cultivation is a powerful approach to produce a robust functionally designed synthetic consortium as a live biotherapeutic product (LBP)

Our groundbreaking research on continuous co-cultivation technology for LBP production was published in Gut Microbes. A cornerstone for our powerful strategy to produce consortia for therapeutic use in a single fermentation.

With this approach we address key market needs including:

  • Low production costs

  • High reproducibility

  • High volumetric yield

Congrats to Fabienne Kurt and the whole team at ETH and PharmaBiome for this important foundational work.

Kurt, F. et al. Gut Microbes 15:1, 2177486 (2023), 10.1080/19490976.2023.2177486


Microbiome Innovation: PharmaBiome and Roquette collaborate on the development of tailored fibers to modify the microbiome and its activity.


Why every healthcare company should have a microbiome strategy